Plan your visit to RedArrow Ministries

Thank you so much for planning your visit to RedArrow Ministries.  If there is anything we can do to help you feel more comfortable, please don't hesitate to reach out.  

RedArrow Ministries worship services are every Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00. We are a casual church, and we have no expected dress code.  However, we are told that sometimes our sanctuary is cold, (sorry about that).  Usually, there are a lot of people participate in our band, so the stage gets hot.  It is a balancing act that we are still trying to figure out.  So, you may want to bring a sweater.  

When you arrive at RedArrow Ministries, you will be greeted by our friendly volunteers serving refreshments.  We will have a cup of coffee and a cookie waiting for you.  Feel free to bring these refreshments into our worship space.  Worried about a spill?  Don't stress.  We promise you are not the first person to spill hot chocolate on the carpet.   

Our band kicks off the service with a prelude and following the greeting we invited the congregation to stand and sing with us.  Our lights stay on, and there is a lot of natural light in the space as well.  Some people clap, raise their hands, tap their foot, sway, etc.   We encourage people to express their worship through the music in ways they feel comfortable.  

Following a time of singing, we have announcements each week.  Our announcements include upcoming events within our church and community, as well as we have a ministry minute that highlights a committment we have made as a church.   Each week our announcement time concludes with our Stewardship Journey moment where we invited to congregation to give back to God through our time, talents and treasures.  

Each week we join together in a congregational prayer.  This prayer is a time to praise God for who he is,  thank him for all he has done in our lives, lament the brokenness of our world, ask God to intervene where we need his help, and prepare our hearts to hear the message of the morning.   If you would like us to include you in our morning prayer, please CLICK HERE to fill out our prayer request form.  

RedArrow Ministries is a family-friendly service, and we love to have our kids involved each week.  While we do have childcare for infants-4 years old available at both services, we ask that children in preschool-first grade attend the beginning of the service with their parents.  Following a children's message, those children are invited to go to Rest Stop.  Rest Stop is a class designed to help 4-7 years olds grow in their faith.  

The sermons are lead by our preaching staff.  The children's message is the introduction to the sermon, and once the kids get settled we read the passage for the morning.   RedArrow Ministries has 2011 NIV Bibles available in the basket of the chairs in front of you, and we project the passage on the screen.  However, we do encourage people to bring their own Bibles as well.   When a child graduates from Rest Stop, they receive a Hands on Bible, and we provide the page numbers in that Bible so that kids can use their Bible easily.  

RedArrow Ministries rotates sermon series.  Each year we have series from the Old Testament and New Testament, as well as a topical series.  Our preaching staff is very intentional about the scope of scriptures with OT narrative series, OT wisdom series, OT prophet series, NT narrative series and NT letters series.  Even our topical series are driven from the text.  

At the conclusion of the sermon, our band takes the stage again, and we have another time of worship through song.  The band will lead a song of response that gives the congregation time to reflect on the message they heard.   Midway through this song the congregation is invited to stand in join the band by singing.   All the music of the morning is selected because it reinforces the sermon.   Listen for the theme- worship with your heart, soul, mind and strength.  

The service ends with a benediction (a blessing) as you go about your week, and we conclude with a benediction song that we hope stays with you as you go out into the spaces God has placed you.   We hope you leave on a Sunday morning energized to persever as you join the journey on the road with Jesus, building relationships along the Way.  




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