RedArrow Ministries has great volunteers!  It is our goal that everyone that regularly attends our church find a place to serve within our ministries.   Get involved!  It is a great way to use your time and your talents for God.  

Hospitality Ministries
Help prepare our church for our guests

Each Sunday we need volunteers to make coffee, bake cookies (it is frozen dough), serve refreshments, greet at our doors, clean up the kitchen, and take out the garbage.  

*These are great roles for you to serve as an individual or as a family.  

Sign up on the Hospitality clipboard at RedArrow Ministries.  Questions? Contact Kim Dunbar.  

Worship Band
Join our worship band. There is always room for more.

RedArrow Ministries values participation in our worship ministries.  If you want to get involved, we will find a place for you to serve.  We welcome expert musicians and 'just starting' musicians.   Want to learn our tech booth?  We will teach you.

*The Worship Band is a great ministry to get plugged into right away.  Contact Maria Bowater for details. 

Worship Band Sign Up
Children & Youth Volunteers
Help our kids join the journey

RedArrow Ministries has great programming to help children and youth join the journey.  If you have attended RedArrow Ministries for at least six months, are willing to have a background check done, and want to hang out with some amazing children or youth,  GET INVOLVED!

Questions?  Contact Renee Moore for children's ministries or Benjamin Bowater for youth ministries. 

Ministry Teams
Get involved in the leadership of RedArrow Ministries

RedArrow Ministries has many leadership teams, and we want these to grow.  Most Ministry Teams meet four times a year on the first Thursday of March, June, September and December from 6:00-7:30pm.   

  • Building & Grounds Team
  • Children's Ministry Team
  • Hospitality Team
  • Mission & Serve Team
  • Youth Ministry Team

*We would like to add an Adult Discipleship Team and a Congregational Care Team.

Questions?  Contact Maria Bowater.