Join the Stewardship Journey
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Stewardship Journey at RedArrow Ministries
Stewardship describes the many ways in which we are called to use the time, talents and treasure we are given by God.

Join the Stewardship Journey:  Wherever you are on this journey, we encourage you to take the next step.

  • First Time Giver:  If you have never brought an offering to RedArrow Ministries, as an act of GRATITUDE, place any amount in the offering boxes or through our website.  
  • Consistent Giver:  As an act of WORSHIP, intentionally plan to give an amount to RedArrow Ministries on a regular basis.  
  • Proportional Giver:  As an act of TRUST, give a percentage of your income, like a ‘tithe’ to RedArrow Ministries. 
  • Generous Giver:  As an act of FREEDOM, no longer ask God, “How much should I give?”  Instead ask Him, “How much should I keep?”

If you have any questions about the Stewardship Journey, please talk to one of our leaders.  Want to be more intentional, fill out a commitment card.  The Stewardship Journey commitment card is located on the Faith Development Wall at RedArrow Ministries. 

Stewardship is a personal commitment between you and God, but if you would like accountability in this journey, feel free to give your committment card to one of our leaders to pray for you. 

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Give using theĀ our Church App.