Leaving Egypt

2025 Winter Sermon Series

We are continuing our Journey through the Book of Exodus. In the past we looked at Chapters 1-12 in a Series called 'A Journey of Freedom.' Here is a link if you missed it, or if you want to revisit those Sermons:   CLICK HERE

Beginning with Chapter 13, this new Sermon Series is called 'Leaving Egypt' using the very helpful book by Church DeGroat as our guide. What we will see is how “God had ignited their longing and intensified their hunger for a better life, but the Exodus did not bring the immediate gratification they longed for. Their joy in liberation was tempered by the reality of a long journey through a dry and weary land.” (Pg. 73) 

I know many people today who are going through a difficult journey in their lives. So, this will be a great Series to invite friends and family as we look towards celebrating the lasting freedom and redemption secured for us through Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Please join us!


1. February 16th: Exodus 13:1-22,   Consecration of Firstborns
2.  February 23rd: Exodus 14:1-31,   Crossing of the Red Sea
3.  March 2nd: Exodus 15:1-21,   Song of Moses & Miriam
4.  March 9th: Exodus 15:22-27,    Waters of Marah & Elim
5.  March 16th: Exodus 16:1-36,   Manna & Quail
6.  March 23rd: Exodus 17:1-16,   Water from a Rock & Victory
7.  March 30th: Exodus 18:1-27,   Jethro Visits Moses
8.  April 6th: Exodus 19:1-25,   At Mount Sinai